Two Lives
Today I want to talk about transitioning from your life as you know it right now and the new upgraded life you want to create for yourself. There is going to be an overlap and it’s going to be hard. The amount of effort is going to increase, working on your mindset is going to be challenging, maybe the amount of sleep you get is going to decrease, your time is going to be invested elsewhere and you may feel a little overwhelmed.
You have decided what kind of life you want, you are uplevelling, you know you want a better life, you want to be a better person and you have done all the prep work that goes into scheduling all the tasks to get there, in your calendar. You are set to start your journey to your most awesome life.
This is almost the most fun, exciting time you have, you are fired up and ready to go.
Now comes the hard part. Showing up for your calendar, showing up for yourself. Every. Single. Day. You are going to want to go back to your default way of doing things and perhaps you do that even without realizing it, and when you do, you go…too late now, I will start again fresh tomorrow. I suggest in these circumstances, do a U-turn straight away.
Don’t give yourself a chance to second guess yourself or your choices or go down the rabbit hole any further.
Want to chat?
Please Ladies, if anyone needs coaching, contact me. I am learning at the moment so all the sessions are free for now. Sessions are between 20-30minutes in length.
This may seem short, but you will be surprised at how much can be accomplished.
My Journal
Every day has a “Mmmoment…” to write down your thoughts of gratitude, your belly-tingling thought of the day or just something that makes you smile.
Doing the Same Things
You may find yourself thinking and doing the same things you have always done and this is where your thought work comes in. You have to remember why you are going for your goal and yes it will be so uncomfortable. You are requiring yourself to do something different and your brain will fight you, make you uncomfortable and try and “talk” you out of it.
You have to remind yourself that you know this is going to happen, acknowledge it and do what you had planned anyway. This is how you grow, one step at a time. You have to keep your future self, your amazing life in mind the entire time and you have to act and believe you are already there or are already that person. This is going to take effort and it can be challenging, but it does not have to be.
If you can keep your excitement going for where you are headed and do things from that place, it will be infinitely easier. It is just how you think about your process.
Enjoy the process
Enjoy the process, because over there is not better than here, you just become a different person from who you are now to the person who is living her dream. So the process is super important. If you have a lot of weight to lose for example, it will take you longer to get to your goal weight. But this is a beautiful thing, this gives you time to become that person and learn all the lessons you need along the way. Don’t shy away from the process. You may have heard that lottery winners often lose or spend their money within a couple of years of winning and this is because they did not learn to change their money mindset from scarcity to abundance.
You may also find, as in my case, that you don’t get enough sleep or rest while on your goal journey. And to a degree this is not a bad thing if it is for a limited period, but you find you are constantly doing it, you are sabotaging yourself. You cannot work on your goals in a positive manner if you are tired all the time. I have a class that I attend after my bed time on a Tuesday, so I prepare for it.  I perhaps go to bed a bit earlier on a Monday night and don’t plan anything too strenuous on Wednesday. Losing a bit of sleep for this class is worth it, because it energizes me and I am working towards my goals. You know what works for you, plan for it.
Our Goals
When we start really moving forward with our goals, we tend to get overwhelmed we think we have so much to do and think about. But remember you have decided what your goal is, you have listed all the tasks that you need to do in order to attain your goal, you have calendared everything. All you need to focus on is what is on your calendar right now. Just focus on that one thing. And then when that is done, focus on the next thing. This is how you get to your amazing life that you want to create. One step at a time.
Before you know it, you are there! You are that future person you want to be, you have that amazing life that you have planned for. This will then be your new normal. It will be as if you have just stepped out of your old life into your new one. Don’t forget to celebrate!!
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If you are not sure about your goals and how you can achieve them, I can help you, if you need to help on the step by step process of creating your new amazing life, let’s chat. We can do this together!
Till next week.