The power of decisions
Every day you make thousands of decisions. All of these decisions impact your life, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively.
Every day you make thousands of decisions.
Every day you make thousands of decisions. All of these decisions impact your life, sometimes positively, sometimes negatively. Sometimes a small decision could have huge effect on your life, like turning left instead of right and you have an accident or you meet your future husband.
A lot of our decisions are completely unconscious and we go through life like that and wonder why our lives are the way they are. The habits that you have, have come from the many decisions you make on a daily basis. Some good, like brushing your teeth, some not so good, like having a glass of wine every night that turns into a bottle every night over time. These are all decisions you have made along the way. What you have created in your life is directly related to your decisions.
What do your decisions say about you?
Are they moving you forward or are you just going through the motions of your day? Start paying attention to daily decisions. Are you making decisions that will lead you to your future you, the woman you want to be?
I am loving it
Part of my future self is that I want to get fit and healthier, so I started doing a workout routine. I downloaded this app called “Alive” and it has the most amazing programs, from beginner to advanced, doing your routine at home or at a gym. I am loving it. Do I always feel like doing my workout? No! Especially when it comes to leg day. But because I made the decision in advance that getting fit and healthy was a priority for my future self, I make the daily decision to workout.
My daily decision to workout has got me to the end of Week 5 already and I am seeing a difference. Now it gets a bit easier because I am seeing the result of my decisions and I want to keep going. I have gained momentum.
Be more conscious of the decisions you make
For the next week try to be more conscious of the decisions you make daily. Ask yourself if these decisions are helping you create the life you really want. By the end of the week you will have a good idea of which decisions are working for you and which not. Write all this down as you go through your week or you will forget. Now you can plan and put a strategy in place to change the decisions that don’t work and make some different decisions that will get you moving forward.
Once you notice what you have been doing, please don’t beat yourself up, rather be curious and question why you make certain decisions. You may find that you make decisions based on what your family want or your friends want. And that is fine, if that is what you want, but if not, make different decisions.
Yes, they may be unhappy with you for a while, so what? You have to make decisions based on what is good for you and that will eventually trickle outwards. Your family and friends will see the difference as it will benefit them as well.
Personal Transformation Coach
Do you want to live your best life?
1 on 1 Personal Coaching
Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life. A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”
Outside circumstances
There are also going to be outside circumstances that will come at you and perhaps force you to make certain decisions. But I don’t want you see it in a manner that you have no choice in making decisions. You always have a choice as to which decision you want to make. Making no decision is also a decision. The power lies with you, you get to decide what’s going to happen or not happen.
Remember whichever decision you make is never the wrong one. If things do not turn out as you hoped, it was meant to be that way and perhaps you learn a valuable lesson as a result. Do not go back a ruminate about it. It’s done, it’s in the past, move forward. Lesson learnt. Now carry on making decisions. Just because some decisions do not work out, it does not mean others won’t.
I learnt a very valuable lesson during my coach training and that is you have to fail in order to be successful. We are all so scared to fail, but if you do not see it as a failure, but rather as a lesson, would you not be more willing to make decision even if you failed?
I would love to hear about decision making process and if you are stuck, reach out to me on
I am so excited to share with you. I have created a program to get you started on your journey to your dream life. I have used this process time and time again to create my extraordinary life. It’s called the Day One Program, it is amazing and will truly change your life.
Click HERE to learn more.
Have a fabulous week.