Personal Branding ~ Blog
According to Wikipedia, personal branding is the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an individual by positioning them as an authority in their industry, elevating their credibility, and differentiating themselves from the competition, to ultimately advance their career, widen their circle of influence and have a larger impact. Quite a mouthful, I agree.
Personal Branding
They go on to say that the process of personal branding involves finding your uniqueness, building a reputation of the things you want to be known for, and then allowing yourself to be known for them.
In the world of social media, our personal brands is out there, whether we planned it or not. Even if you are not on social media, who you are and how you present yourself is still a form of personal branding. Most of us don’t even think about it. I mentioned before that another person, on meeting you for the first time, will make up their minds about you within 3 seconds.
We do the same of others. How often have you not decided a person was a certain way until you found out through knowing them that your first impression was completely wrong?
Personal Branding
Regardless, if you are promoting your business or just being you, your personal brand is important. How you look and what you say says something about you. Now you may not care what other people think, but you do care about finding a job, getting a loan, getting funding for a project, finding a partner, etc.
In order to do these things you will have to impress upon people that you are worth investing in, either with their time or money.
Personal Transformation Coach
1 on 1 Personal Coaching
Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life. A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”
Who are you!
This brings me to the next point, you may not want to be a Kardashian look-a-like or a Cindy Crawford, but you may want to be just you. Who are you? This is the chance to find out your uniqueness. We, more often than not, tend to follow the crowd because it is safe and fairly anonymous, yet this is not your uniqueness.
Most people go through their lives not purposefully choosing who they are, there is no intention behind what they do or what they look like. This is also their personal brand, not a purposeful one. You could walk around in scruffy clothes and unkempt hair which presents a certain brand or you could be well dressed and presentable and that presents a brand. Now if you are trying to land a job, which brand do you think your potential employers would choose
Stand Out
If you have a look on Instagram there are so many different people perhaps “selling” the same thing. The only way you will stand out is if you are unique and different from the others. And, actually, this is not hard to do, because we are all different. The problem comes in when we try to be like the others out there. We are often too scared to be ourselves, because we think people will not like us and you would be correct. There will be plenty of people who do not like you, but there will be plenty more who do. Let the people who don’t like you go and focus on the ones who do.
What is your personal branding style now?
Does it reflect what you want the world to know about you? If not, decide what it is you want to be known for and start curating your personal brand to reflect that. This process is not cast in stone, it’s an ever evolving process and you can have fun with it. We change all the time, the things we like and dislike change all the time. You are not stuck with a particular branding. Just make sure that your branding reflects who you are right now.
This is a chance to look at your life and decide who you are, get to know yourself and go out into the world as your authentic self. Find ways to upgrade your life, if it is not reflecting who you want to be. Get rid of all the clutter and simplify your life. From a simpler place you can then add in what is important to you, what has a rightful place and go out into the world and be you.
Till next week.
In the new year, I am going to be launching my Unclutter your Life Program, which will be free for my subscribers. I will be showing you how to unclutter your mind and show you better thoughts to think. We will also go about uncluttering your life, so you can start fresh and make space for things you really want in your life.
To get in on this great program, subscribe. To subscribe ~ see form below👇👇👇
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