
Money Blocks to Luxury

Money Blocks to Luxury Blog by Live Life Inspired


Last week we spoke about money beliefs, this week we are adding to this.  Just when you thought that is all there is to it…there are more things to consider. However, it is better to air these blocks so that you can deal with them.  It is all good.  What money blocks do you have?  Perhaps you feel you can’t earn more than a certain amount in your profession? You can’t ask for money owing to you?  Or what negative consequences are there to making a lot of money? Mmm…never thought of that one! You will have to pay more tax, everyone will want to borrow money, you’ll get ripped off….whatever it is for you.

Perhaps you have been letting your money blocks prevent you from earning more or even losing hard earned money, this can cause huge problems down the line.  Just to be clear though not earning enough is different from overspending or underworking.

Blocks stop you from doing what is necessary to earn more, asking for a raise (because you are too scared to ask), looking for other opportunities to earn (because you don’t think you can), taking on a job that does not pay much (because you would rather be happy).  All these things are just drama!

You go to work so that you can earn money, for what it provides and it helps us grow.  Your job and your happiness are two separate issues, remember it is not your job’s job to make you happy.  Take responsibility for your happiness and also for the money you earn or don’t earn in this case.  A major block for most people is actually stating how much they want to earn or talking about money.  Men are a lot better at it than ladies, it is perhaps seen as not so classy.  Who made that rule anyway? If you don’t talk about money, how do you know what is a lot or enough or what you want?  How would you know what is possible in your life?  Why not talk about money, it’s inspiring, it’s helpful.

Ask yourself these questions for each of your stories/blocks around money:

  • Is it true?
  • How am I using this story to hold myself back?
  • How does it affect my income?
  • How is this story/block serving me?


Now let’s switch it up!  Follow your passion and live your life, ladies.  Go about your day with elegance, passion and style.  None of these things require money, but the thing is when you do these things, money and luxury seem to gravitate towards you.  So start choosing quality in your life in the form of people, experiences and items.

Money Blocks to Luxury Blog by Live Life Inspired
Money Blocks to Luxury Blog by Live Life Inspired
  • Hang out with quality people – drop the complainers or seriously limit your time with them. Spend time with inspiring, positive people whom you can learn from.
  • Eat good food, quality food, food that is nutritious and good for you. Your body and energy levels will love you.
  • Spend time in nature – there is nothing like nature to make you forget your troubles and connect you to yourself.
  • Slow down – enjoy that cup of coffee, stay in bed snuggling your partner for an extra 5 minutes, sit down and chat to a friend.
  • Stop spending your money on crap – save your money and buy something of quality that you really want.
  • Follow your passion – do you want to write, learn about wine, explore a new country? Do it, even if you have to do it through books.
  • Dress and walk like a woman of luxury – aim to always look good and you will start to feel amazing.
  • Stop listening to those thoughts in your head that say you are not good enough, you can’t earn as much, you are not clever enough….Instead say, I am amazing, I am good enough, I know just what to do.
  • Study women who have done well in their lives, who have made a ton of money, whom you admire.
  • Visit luxurious stores, if that is your thing, art galleries, or beautiful open gardens.
  • Always have fresh flowers in your home and if your budget does not extend to fresh flowers have some beautiful house plants.
  • Believe you deserve to earn more money, to live in luxury, to be able to afford whatever your heart desires.
  • Honour yourself – you are amazing and you deserve a good life.
Money Blocks to Luxury Blog by Live Life Inspired
Money Blocks to Luxury Blog by Live Life Inspired

None of these examples require any money or very little, however the quality you add to life is significant. 

Get rid of your money blocks by adding these amazing suggestions to your life and feel the luxury flow into your life.

You are not doing yourself or the world any favours by denying yourself an amazing, luxurious life.


Money Blocks to Luxury Blog by Live Life Inspired

Thank you for reading.  I would love to hear how you have overcome your money blocks…

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