Do you journal? If not, why ever not? It is so important for you to journal.
Firstly, when you are writing down what’s in your head, what’s in your mind, you get to see what you think about every day. You start noticing patterns and habits. Your thoughts create your experiences, so pay close attention to those thoughts and the best way to do that is to write them down.
Secondly, if you have a goal(s) in mind, it is a really great idea to write them down in your journal every single day, to keep you focused on what you are working towards. It also gives your mind the clarity and out of “I don’t know”. You get to commit to your goal, to focus your thoughts on what needs to happen that day.
Thirdly, make a habit of being grateful, write down your mmm…moments. What happened that was great that day, even if it was just that delicious cup of coffee you had that morning. A grateful heart is a happy heart. If you practice being grateful, you don’t have time to be grumpy and sad.
Fourthly, you get to decide who you want to be that day. Decide in advance and write it down and what it means to be that person. If you want to change your life or see what is possible in your life, you need to become that person in your thoughts and words first before anything can materialize externally. So you get to practice being that person during the day and you will fail and that is OK. The next day you practice some more and you keep going until you are showing up as that person.
Don’t be afraid to fail. We all do things for the first time and more often than not we fail, but we just have to keep going. Imagine a toddler learning to walk for the first time, do you think he gives up when he falls down? No, he keeps trying, he keeps going until he can walk. There is no shame in failing, it means you are trying, you are putting yourself out there and that is good, ladies!
Pick an emotion you would like to feel that day and then write down what thoughts you would need to be thinking in order to create that emotion. Don’t stress too much about this one, most people have mad, glad, happy and sad in their “repertoire” and that is just fine. This is what the journaling is all about, is to explore different emotions. When you are feeling up to it, pick an emotion and then explore it, feel it in your body, write about it. Does it resonate with you? I will add a list of various emotions at the bottom of the post, for you to explore.
By journaling every day, you are creating a commitment to yourself. You are showing up for yourself. You can’t do this wrong, you are getting to know yourself, of what is possible for you.
Now, you need to do a bit of visualization. Think of the woman you want to become, think of the life you want to live, think of the things you want to do. Imagine that woman (you) as if you are watching her in a movie and she is talking about her life, what she is doing and what she is thinking. What is she telling you, what advice is she giving you? Write that stuff down, it is pure gold ladies!
Journaling is paying attention to the inside for the purpose of living well from the inside out.
An added benefit of journaling is it does wonders for your creativity, before you know it you may have written out a ton of ideas, things that you just thought of on the fly. Your mind is sneaky that way, it gives you tips and ideas when you least expect it, but now you have them down on paper. Now you can explore them, what they mean, which ones do you want to follow, which ones lead you to an extraordinary life. Ladies, is this not what we want?
- Love
- Inspired
- Determined
- Confident
- Focused
- Fun
- Courageous
- Creative
- Committed
- Relaxed
- Calm
- Disciplined
- Determined
- Joyful
- Grateful
Try each of these 15 emotions on for size, pick one a day or one a week. See how it feels, what thoughts would you have to think in order to create these emotions, where do you feel it in your body. There are a ton more you can research if you would like to create your own list.
Happy journaling, ladies. Let me know what comes up for you….
Have a look at the Journal I created. This might entice you to start Journaling.
You can purchase My Journal with loads of inspiration, recipes and Mmmoments…
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