How to Manage Sensory Overload
How to Manage Sensory Overload
You have likely encountered sensory overload at some point. It’s one of those challenging moments that can leave you feeling unsure or even helpless. But understanding what sensory overload is, how it manifests and how to help your child through it can make a world of difference. Let’s dive into this together, step by step.
What does sensory overload look like?
Sensory overload occurs when the brain becomes overwhelmed by too much information from the senses – whether it’s sight, sound, touch, taste or smell. For autistic children, their sensory system is often more sensitive than others and everyday stimuli that we might not even notice can become unbearable for them.
Here is what sensory overload might look like in your child:
- Meltdowns: Sudden, intense outbursts of crying, screaming or frustration. This isn’t the same as a tantrum, it’s a genuine response to feeling overwhelmed.
- Withdrawal: Your child may shut down emotionally or physically – covering their ears, closing their eyes or retreating to a quiet corner.
- Physical reactions: You might notice fidgeting, pacing or repetitive behaviours like rocking, hand-flapping or rubbing their skin.
How to Manage Sensory Overload
- Difficulty communicating: When in overload, verbal communication can become hard or impossible for some autistic children. They may go non-verbal or struggle to express their needs.
- Avoidance of certain places: Certain environments – like busy shopping malls, load parks or bright supermarkets might seem unbearable, leading your child to avoid them altogether.
How does sensory overload manifest?
It is often triggered by something specific in your child’s environment. It could be one loud noise or it could be the accumulation of small sensory inputs that build up until your child can’t process them anymore.
Examples of triggers:
- Loud or unpredictable noises: Sirens, barking dogs or even the hum of a crowded room.
- Bright or flickering lights: Fluorescent lighting, sunlight reflecting off surfaces or even the blinging of a screen.
- Strong smells: Certain foods, perfumes or cleaning products may become overwhelming.
- Uncomfortable textures: Clothing tags, scratchy fabrics or rough surfaces might make your child uneasy.
- Too much sensory input at once: Imagine being in a room where there are conversations, background music, bright lights and people moving around. For your child, this can feel like a sensory “attack”.
How to Manage Sensory Overload
How to deal with sensory overload when it happens:
When you see your child experiencing sensory overload, it is important to remember that they are not trying to be difficult – they are responding to their environment in the only way they know how.
- Stay calm – Your child will look to you for cues on how to react. If you stay calm, it can help them feel safer. Your calm presence can be an anchor in the storm of overwhelming sensory input.
- Reduce sensory input: If possible, remove your child from the environment that’s triggering their overload. This could mean leaving a crowded room, turning down the volume or dimming the lights. If leaving isn’t possible, consider using sensory tools – noise-cancelling headphones, sunglasses or weighted blanket can provide comfort.
- Create a sensory-friendly space: Have a safe, sensory-friendly space at home can give your child a place to decompress. This might be a quiet corner with soft textures, dim lighting or soothing sounds. Encourage your child to go there when they feel overwhelmed.
How to Manage Sensory Overload
- Offer reassurance and connection: Your child may not be able to tell you exactly what’s going on, but your presence and comfort are powerful. A gentle touch, quiet voice or soft words of encouragement can help them feel understood and supported. Some children might prefer space during sensory overload, so it’s important to read their cues and give them what they need – whether that’s physical comfort or distance.
- Teach coping strategies: Over time, you can help your child develop coping strategies for sensory overload. Deep breathing exercises, sensory breaks or learning to communicate when they are feeling overwhelmed (through words, sign language or a communication device) can empower them to manage these moments.
Your feelings as a parent during sensory overload matter too. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, anxious or even frustrated yourself when you see your child in distress. You might worry that you are not doing enough or feel unsure about what to do next. I want to tell you that it’s ok to feel this way. Parenting can be hard and when a sensory overload happens, it can feel like a storm you didn’t see coming.
But here’s the thing though
You don’t need to have all the answers in that moment. Just being there, showing your love and trying your best is what counts. Remember, you are your child’s safe place. They trust you to help them through it and that bond is so much more powerful than any guilt or frustration you might feel.
Take a deep breath, ground yourself and know that sensory overload will pass. You are doing an incredible job. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being present, compassionate and understanding.
Remember you are an amazing parent and your child is super lucky to have you in their corner.
Till next week
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