How to declutter your life
We make things so difficult for ourselves, because we have so much clutter in our minds, our environment and bodies.
Declutter your life!
If you want to uplevel your life
We make things so difficult for ourselves, because we have so much clutter in our minds, our environment and bodies. In order to function at an optimum level you need to declutter your life. If you want to uplevel your life you need to rid your life of excess and things that don’t work for you.
I always find that the place to start is with my environment. Your environment reflects what is going on in your mind, but it is easier to start with your environment while you are working on your mind. Have a look and see what needs clearing. Does your bedroom need clearing, your lounge, your car, your office desk? Where do you spend the most time? Tackle those areas first. Be ruthless, if you don’t need it or have not used items for a while, remove it.
Your feelings
Notice how you feel and your mind feels when you walk into a well ordered space as opposed to a cluttered disorganized space. I generally feel a sense of calm and quiet when walking into a tidy and well decorated area. But when my car is dirty, I feel slightly off and disorganized and my mind keeps thinking that I need to get it washed and cleaned. Now if my car was clean, my thoughts would be on a very different topic, I would be thinking more useful thoughts.
Clean Spaces
The great thing about having a clean space is that it is way easier to maintain and you will spend less time actually getting your space in order, creating space for you to do other things that move you to the life of your dreams.
Once you have a better environment, you are already setting up your mind to start thinking better thoughts. Now be curious about the thoughts you are thinking. What keeps you up at night? You may be going over and over a situation, going in circles and not making a decision. If this is you, stop! Make a decision already. Decide, move on and have your back on a decision. Once you have made a decision you can now use your mind to create the life of you want. You cannot make wrong a decision.
Change your thoughts
If you find your thoughts are more negative, perhaps now is the best time to try and change those thoughts. Figure out how you can think more positive thoughts. If you need some help on figuring how to do that, pay attention to how you are feeling. If you are not feeling good, you know that you are not thinking good thoughts. And you may say, well it’s my reality. I want to challenge you on this, negative thoughts do not serve you at all. Negative thoughts beget negative thoughts. The great thing is it works the same with positive thoughts. Thinking positive thoughts actually moves you in the direction you want to go.
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Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life. A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”
Now let’s talk about clutter and your body
All that extra food or drink is clutter in your body. Cleaning your plate even though you are sufficiently full is adding clutter to your body. Your body cannot function well if you are constantly overeating or putting junk food in your mouth.
Think about a car, if you put water or cooldrink in your fuel tank, how far do you think you are going to get? However, if you put good fuel into your car, it will run really well and you will have less problems. The same works for your body, if you feed your body nutritious food and drink plenty of water, it will work optimally and you will attract less disease.
If you are not well or do not have much energy, eating well will surely assist your body in working a lot better.
Decluttering these three areas of your life, will put your life on a very different trajectory. You will feel better, you will be thinking better thought, you will be able to make the necessary changes to your life and live your best life. Let go of the clutter, let go of the things that do not serve you.
If you need some help to declutter your life or you don’t know where to even start, reach out to me on
I am so excited to share with you. I have created a program to get you started on your journey to your dream life. I have used this process time and time again to create my extraordinary life. It’s called the Day One Program, it is amazing and will truly change your life.
Click HERE to learn more.
Till next week.