
How to be completely open in your relationships

Think about when you first meet someone, you want them to think the best of you, that you are a good person and consequently you act the way you think such a person would be.  The same goes for in the dating world, you may put down interests that are not really you or pretend you are way more exciting than you really are.

Antionette Porter - Life Coach & Blogger

Personal Transformation Coach

Do you want to live your best life?

1 on 1 Personal Coaching

Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life.  A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”

Certified Life Coach - Antoinette Porter

The Trick

Now the trick is, when you both disagree on something fundamentally important, for example, moving to a different country.  One party wants to move, the other doesn’t.  You have a decision to make.  This is where a lot of other factors come in.  You have to decide what is important for you, what it is that you want and measure your decision against.  If your relationship is more important, you will probably make the decision to move, if not you have the peace of mind of having made a decision in line with your values.

Going against your values and making the move anyway, will not end well for either party.  There have been times when I have disregarded my values, made decisions and emotionally paid the price, just because I did not want to upset other people.  Now I evaluate all my decisions carefully as I know how painful it is not to acknowledge myself.

Let your guard down in your relationships.

You may be surprised that if you are vunerable to others, they will open up to you to.  Much of our happiness comes from our close relationships.  Nurture them.

Have a beautiful week.



PS I would love to hear from you, my readers, what you would like to chat about or what you find challenging, so drop me a line on hello@liveliveinspired.co.za