
Getting things done

Get things done - Blog


At the end of your day, do you look back and say you got a lot done, or were you just busy, busy, busy with not much to show for it?  Can you actually say I got this and this result from all my work today?  Most of us don’t, unless we are super organized and very intentional about what we want to achieve.  My next question for you is, are the things you are doing in line with your future you?  If not, you have a bit of work to do!

Think about the future you.

What does she do?  What does she want?  Where does she live?  Who does she want to be?  Really take the time to figure this out and be bold ladies, you only have this one amazing life you are living, why not make it great.  If you don’t know where you are going, you are like a plane on the ground with no destination or in some cases 20 destinations. 

Pick one, it will never the wrong one.  Why?  Because it is your dream, it is your desire.  You have to pick one destination otherwise you are never going to get off the ground and you are going to spin in confusion and overwhelm.

Getting things done

Pick your Dream

Once you have picked a dream or something you really want to do, you need to brainstorm all the things you can do in order to move you closer to that dream.  You won’t know all the things, but you will be able to make a good list and as you go more things will be revealed to you, or you may come across someone who can help you get to your dream.

Now that you have a list of all the things put them in your calendar.  You know that all these items are moving you towards your dream, one step at a time.  These steps may not always be glamourous or easy, but they will be necessary.  The next and most important step you can take, is to actually follow through on your calendar.  You have to show up for yourself.  If you just did this incremental step every day, at the end of the month you will be a whole month closer to your dream.

The time is going to pass anyway, why not do something with your time in order to get to your ideal life.

Want to chat?

Please Ladies, if anyone needs coaching, contact me.  Sessions are between 20-30minutes in length.

This may seem short, but you will be surprised at how much can be accomplished.

Live Life Inspired - Blogger
We are all human

The problem comes in when it is time to do that thing that you had planned and you don’t feel like it.  We are all human, it’s going to happen.  You have all the good intentions and possibly even do your items, but after a while, it is not so exciting and you would rather have a glass of wine or watch Netflix.  Remember this is just your brain trying to keep you safe and in a place that is familiar.  You can overrule that part of your brain and say NO, this is my dream and these are the steps I am going to take to get there and even though I don’t feel like it, I am going to do it anyway!

Don’t let your mind be like a toddler throwing a tantrum, be loving towards yourself, your brain, say I acknowledge you, but we are going to do this thing.  Your future self is going to thank you for showing up for her every day.  I thank my past self every week when I am writing my blog. 

This is blog no 64, which means I have written a blog every week for the last 63 weeks.  And yes, there have been weeks when I have not been in the mood, but I wrote one anyway.  I was thinking and still am thinking about my future self.

Blog by Live life Inspired

The best, most loving thing you can do for yourself is follow through on your dreams.  We are here to learn and grow, to see how amazing we can make our lives.

Once you are in the groove of getting things done, you feel so good and you get to see the results of what you are doing.  You get and keep the momentum going.  Sure, you will alter course every now and again, especially if things don’t always work out the way you thought they would, but never take your eye off the prize, your dream!  Don’t change your dream, just change your actions and direction in getting there.

I would love to hear your dreams and what you are doing to get there, please share.

Till next week.



PS Should you need some coaching , drop me a line and we will work on them together. Click HERE

Don’t forget to visit my “Journal Page“…Each month has an inspiring theme with quotes and anecdotes and plenty of space for your notes and thoughts.

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