Do hard things - Blog

Do hard things!

Why do we think things should be easy for us?  Anything you really want is worth hard work.  Sometimes we get a set of circumstances we did not ask for and they require us to step up and become people who can do hard things. 

Do hard things

When my son was born, he was in ICU for 9 months, a set of circumstances no mama wants.  It was hard.  It required me to be strong, adaptable and hopeful on levels I had never needed to be before.

Sometimes life requires this of us.  We either step up or we don’t.  This is also entirely a choice.  Some people find it too hard and bow out.  If this is you, just like your reason for doing this.  What of the things you really want in your life?  Are you willing to go all in and do what is necessary to get there?  Hard things are what make you stronger.

Easy is not going to get your there, and most people still want to do easy.  You are for sure not going to grow, going the easy route.  If you did this easy thing and got it done, yes you will feel a bit of accomplishment, but imagine how you would feel if you did that hard thing.  You would feel proud of yourself and definitely accomplished.

Do hard things - Blog

Short cuts

We all try to take a short cut to easy if possible and sometimes it’s not possible.  Sometimes you have to feel your emotions, did you go through a breakup, it’s hard.  There is no easy way around it, you have to go through it.  The great thing is if you get good at feeling your emotions, you get that much better at doing hard things.

Doing hard things shows you how extraordinary you can be.  It grows you to the next level of yourself.  Absolutely, we bitch and moan and complain, but we still do it.  At the end of it you would have made the money, lost the 10kgs or became healthier.  This is the prize you get after doing your hard things.

The things you learn on the way, which you probably don’t even notice until you are done are discipline, momentum, integrity, trust in yourself and the ability to feel the hard emotions that come up.  This and the prize of your goal!  Come on, is this not worth it?

Antoinette Porter - Life Coach and blogger

Personal Transformation Coach

Do you want to live your best life?

1 on 1 Personal Coaching

Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life.  A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”

Certified Life Coach - Antoinette Porter

Are you going to come up against added obstacles in your journey?  Absolutely.  You power through them too.  This is part of life.  Don’t give up.  You get to bring up those emotions and work on them and then you bring up emotions that are positive, that will help you overcome hard things.  Perhaps you need determination, discipline, motivation.  Generate thoughts that create these emotions to keep the momentum going.

Follow someone you admire

Another way to create that motivation is follow someone you admire, or has done what you are trying to do.  What are they thinking and believing?  Borrow their ideas and beliefs and put them to work for you.

Think of reaching your goal as a journey.  Sometimes it’s going to be smooth sailing, sometimes it’s going to rain or hail, somewhere you may have to dodge potholes or even take a detour and you have to navigate all these obstacles en route to your goal.  And you can do it with a grumpy attitude or you can muster some good energy, either way you are going through this obstacle course.  Your brain is going to go through all the things, we should turn around, let’s stop, this is too dangerous, but you keep going.

Live Life Inspired - Life Coaching
Do hard things

Most of the time you aren’t excited, just bored with the journey.  You have to do the workout every day, you have to eat healthy every day, you need to do the paperwork every day.  You have to do these things to get to your goal.  If you do these things, you show up for yourself you are creating trust with yourself, that you follow through with things in order to get to your goal.

Go do hard things, show up for yourself, create trust in yourself and deal with the drama and emotions as they come up, this is how you do hard things.

If you are struggling to do hard things, come and talk to me on hello@lliautism.net and we will figure what is going on.

PS Come check out my Day One Program, I help you create the life of your dreams, out of the space of “I don’t know” and into “What’s next?”.

Click HERE to learn more.

Have a fabulous week.

