Create space and simplicity in your life
Create space and simplicity in your life
I have been through a bit of a stressful time and true to form, my body started reminding me that we are on a path to illness. This has been a great reminder to take a step back to create some space in my life, step back and make self-care a priority. It is important to do this on a regular basis and not when you are forced to.
Things are moving so fast
In today’s world, things are moving so fast and before you know it time has gone by and all you have to show for it is a jumbled mind, a sick body or no joy. You may say, I don’t have time to slow down, I have too much to do or I have responsibilities to take care of. If you do not take care of yourself, you will find yourself in a place where you are completely unable to do anything. Your body and mind need rejuvenation and not just sleep.
How often do you get a good 8 hours of sleep yet still wake up tired in the morning? This is a sign that you need to slow down and give yourself some space. What that looks like is also different for everyone. You may feel energized by meeting up with friends or having a family holiday, especially if you are an extrovert. For an introvert this will be completely draining. You may need a day to yourself, reading a book or going for a long walk in the forest.
Space in your life
You don’t need to go big to create space for yourself. You can carve out small every day practices that you enjoy or just simplify your routine. The trick is to do it regularly. Take some time to write down a list of things that you could do or not do or things that you can simplify. Once you have a list, you can just glance at it to remind you and you don’t have to think in the moment of something and then possibly not do anything as nothing feels right at that moment.
Create space and simplicity in your life
If you use a calendar, which I strongly suggest you do, schedule these things in on a regular basis so that you will be reminded on a regular basis to pay attention to your self-care. I will give you an example of some of the items on my list:
- Having my hair cut and coloured
- Facial
- An afternoon of reading
- A nature walk
- Inviting a friend over for a glass of wine
- Having lunch on my own at a beautiful restaurant
- Meditating
- Going to bed early
- Having a leisurely cup of coffee
You see, these do not have to be big things, they can easily be incorporated into your daily life. Sometimes I may not feel like doing a particular thing on a day, I then just swop it out for something that I am drawn to. If you are tuned into what you need and when you need it, this is a simple process. But if not, go ahead and schedule things in, you will start looking forward to these regular little breaks.
Personal Transformation Coach
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Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life. A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”
Simplify your routines
Think of ways that you can simplify your routines, or delegate things that could give you some extra time in your day. For me this looks like trying to find someone to share the school run with in the mornings. Currently I am spending around 1.5-2hrs driving. So to be able to “win” a few hours in the morning would really simplify my routine. What could you do to simplify your life? It could be someone to help you clean, take care of some admin issues or having your groceries delivered.
What often comes up for my ladies, and perhaps you are one of them, they tell me they feel guilty not doing all the things. Nooo! When you run out of steam or get ill you will feel even more guilty. Do not feel guilty about self-care. It is not an option, it is your right. You will not be doing yourself or anyone else any favours by not taking care of yourself. It is not selfish, it’s called self-care and you deserve it. OK, rant over….
My challenge for you this month is to schedule regular breaks and space for yourself and show up for them 100%. Do it as an experiment if you will and then re-evaluate how you feel after doing this for 30 days.
Alright my friends, have a fabulous week.
I want to encourage you, no matter where you are in your life, to reach out to me. I want to hear from you and chat to you. Often we are dealing with a huge amount of stress and just having someone to listen and get it off your chest is often all that is needed. You have that space here. Drop me a mail at
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