Choosing your Life
Are you choosing your life or is it choosing you? Are you just going through the motions, not really thinking about your day? This is what most of us do. Unless, there is a special event that you have planned, you tend to just put one foot in front of the other. Yes there is something to be said for having routines and habits, they are good to have. But have you chosen them on purpose?
Small routines and habits
If you are trying to curate a life you really want, it is important to start with the small routines and habits. These lay the foundation for the big things you want to do. You have to choose them though, every day and do them until they become ingrained. This is what we call making new neural pathways. Think about your old habits that do not serve you, you have been doing them for so long, it is difficult to just change them overnight.Â
Imagine driving on a dirt road with tracks, you could pretty much let go of the steering and the car will stay in the tracks, but if you want to go somewhere different you have to really put some muscle into turning the steering wheel. The same happens when you want to change to a better habit, you have to put some thought and muscle into changing them.
The thing with choosing your life
The thing with choosing your life is that you have to live and think intentionally. Yes this does take effort, but so worth it for the life you want to live. Thinking intentionally also propels you to a more amazing life and makes your experiences that much more richer. Instead of thinking, “I can’t do this”, “this is too hard”, “I don’t know how”, try thinking “I can do this”, “I love trying new things”, etc.Â
When you change your thoughts in this way, check in with yourself, how does the thought feel? Good? Exciting? Good, you are on the right track.
Want to chat?
Please Ladies, if anyone needs coaching, contact me. Sessions are between 20-30minutes in length.
This may seem short, but you will be surprised at how much can be accomplished.
Nah, that’s a lie
What happens if your brain goes, “Nah, that’s a lie.” You are experiencing cognitive dissonance, meaning that what you believe right now and what you want to believe are too far apart. And getting from the one thought to the other is too much of a stretch for your brain. What you need to do then, is pick a thought closer to the one you are thinking.
Confident and happy
Let me give you an example: You want to think you are confident and happy, but when you say it to yourself, you don’t believe it. So one step up to that thought could be – I keep thinking I am not confident and unhappy. This thought should be close enough to believe and you hang out there for a while. Your next thought up could be – There have been times when I have been confident and happy. Hang out there for a bit.
Next up
Next up – I am excited about the prospect of being so confident and happy and finally – I am confident and happy. Your brain needs to just acclimatize to the new thoughts. There is no timeline as to how long you think a thought, go at your own pace. The trick is also to act confident and happy in the meantime. Before you know it you will be there and thinking those beautiful positive thoughts.
When you look around at other people who you would like to emulate, who look happy and successful, this is how they got there. Their beautiful lives did not just happen, they worked for it. And I can tell you something else, it was not always easy. They faced adversity, unhappiness and things that did not work out. But they figured out how to work around it and with it, because they knew what kind of life they wanted and they created it on purpose.
Don’t give up
Just because things do not work out, does not mean you should give up. In fact, if things get difficult, you roll up your sleeves and get to work. You will be surprised how the Universe opens up and starts helping you get to where you want to be. However, if you don’t know what you want or choose the life you want, you will be like a little boat in the middle of the ocean.Â
Every little breeze, current or storm will bat you about, but if you have a strong engine or sails you can direct where you want to go.
You have this one life. Why not live it on purpose and choose what you want to do and experience. Just make the choice!
Till next week, ladies.
PS If you need some help with choosing your intentional life, I can help you. Book a free consult with me and let’s get you started!
Email me – he***@ll*******.netÂ
Visit my Coaching Page – Click HERE