
Choosing your attitude

I was listening to a podcast about how to have more fun and essentially what it comes down to is that you have to create the fun within you.
Antionette Porter - Life Coach & Blogger

Personal Transformation Coach

Do you want to live your best life?

1 on 1 Personal Coaching

Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life.  A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”

Certified Life Coach - Antoinette Porter

The next day I got to the airport to catch my flight to Mumbai only to find it was cancelled due to the strike and there were no other flight seats available.  Now at this point I would have panicked as lot of other people did, but chose to believe that things will work out and they did.  The director of another airline was so kind as to help me get a seat on another flight ahead of a lot of other people.  Out of curiosity, I asked him why, he said that I asked him politely for help, he agreed and I sat patiently waiting for him to organize it, while others were getting increasing irate.  And….he also had a brother who lived in South Africa.

Now was it that or the fact that I had the attitude of belief?  I choose the latter.

If you need help with some better thoughts and creating better attitudes, come chat with me on hello@lliautism.net

Till next week.




Sometimes you just need someone to talk to, to put things in perspective, a little like therapy but with some helpful feedback and a lot of practical tips. Book some time with ~ email me hello@lliautism.net