

How in charge are you of your life?  You may think you are and I want to ask you….what part of your life are you dedicating to focusing on achieving your dreams? 

Antionette Porter - Life Coach & Blogger

Personal Transformation Coach

Do you want to live your best life?

1 on 1 Personal Coaching

Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life.  A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”

Certified Life Coach - Antoinette Porter


Now I know that because I have battled with health issues for the past few years, doing all of the above takes a serious amount of energy.  If you don’t feel your best it is so much harder to create the results you want and to stick to your plans.  So one of my goals was to work on my health, that meant changing my diet, resting when my body needed and moving when I could.  But the most important thing was not beating myself up for not being able to do all things I really wanted.  I had to focus and not allow anything that was energy sapping.

If you listen to your body and what it needs, it will reward you with more energy.  Also if you do things that energise you, it helps.  I know that if I have been around a lot of people, it depletes my energy.  So I often spend time alone as this gives me energy.  Every person is different, so find out what energises you.

I you need some help in being the CEO of your own life, drop me a mail on hello@lliautism.net

Till next week.



Listen, if you want to uplevel your life and create a life you don’t want to run away from, I can help you. All you need to do is send the word “interested” to hello@lliautism.net