
Body Changes


Have you had any strange things happening to your body?  Aches that were never there before, brain fog, rapid weight gain, lack of energy, are you irritable and snapping at people?  Yip, I have some of these and I am sure many of you can relate.  Our bodies change, it is a reality.  This blog is about how we deal with our changing bodies with love and compassion and grace.

So I am in my early 50’s and am in the best shape in terms of emotional and spiritual health and feel more strong physically than I have in a long time.  But this does not mean I do not have challenges and hard days, I just manage my mind better than I used to. 

Physically, even though I feel stronger, my body is definitely going all weird on me, like I have picked up quite a bit of weight in a very short time.

Want to chat?

Please Ladies, if anyone needs coaching, contact me.  I am learning at the moment so all the sessions are free for now.  Sessions are between 20-30minutes in length.

This may seem short, but you will be surprised at how much can be accomplished.

My Journal

Every day has a “Mmmoment…” to write down your thoughts of gratitude, your belly-tingling thought of the day or just something that makes you smile.

Eating Healthy - Live Life Inspired

Frustrating and uncomfortable

I have been working with a doctor to try and regulate all the things, but I can tell that maybe some of the medication is not agreeing with me.  I am eating very healthily and doing a bit of exercise, both which could improve and I will be working on doing better in the next few months.  In the meantime though, I am trying to figure out what’s up and dealing with drastic weight gain.

It’s frustrating and uncomfortable because there are so many exciting things happening in my life, I have so many goals and feel so ready as life is just getting better and better.

It is starting to cause me a bit of anxiety, because now it has come to a point where I am super focused on it.  Of course, I am making it worse with my thoughts around it and just realized that this is not the way to heal and feel better.  I am not loving on my body or being compassionate.


Body Changes

So my first step is to accept my body and what it is going through at this moment, which is hard because I want it to be different, but fighting it never works.

My next step is to love my body as is and being compassionate with it.  Asking myself what do I need right now, rest, food, exercise, you know just doing regular body check ins.  Letting your body know that we are doing what we can and we will figure this out.

Accepting your body and loving it creates way more positive energy, it fosters an environment to getting better and healthier.

Thirdly, I am taking note on what my thoughts are about my body, because gaining weight is neutral, having hot flushes is neutral, brain fog is neutral.  If you are constantly fighting with these changes, it’s going to be so much worse.  I can think about my body in a way that empowers me, makes me feel better, helps me create determination and commitment to finding out how to navigate these challenges and do it with love and kindness.

Body Changes - Live Life Inspired
Feeling resistant

The last thing you should be doing is adding to your discomfort by feeling resistant, this will just make the symptoms worse and your body responds to your thoughts and your thoughts respond to your body.

If you accept what is happening and watching your thoughts around it, you are going to relax and get your power back.  Accepting it does not mean you just live with it and don’t do anything to change it.  Your body is telling you something is not right and nudging you to help course correct. 

Now you can decide what you want to do about it.  This comes from a positive energy place, do you see?  Yes you can be mean to your body and fight what is and take drastic measures and you will possibly get to the same place, but it is so much easier and flowing to do it from a place of love.

Eating Healthy Foods - Blog Live Life Inspired
Curious about your body changes

Listening to my body, I found that I cannot eat much meat anymore, my body seems to thrive more on veggies.  Eating a lot of potatoes make me feel a bit heavy.  When I was younger I loved my meat and potatoes, but now it does not feel good anymore.  So be open and curious about your body.  Do you feel better with meat?  Can you do carbs?  Do you need more fat?  Does fruit work better in the morning?

What foods give you vitality and which ones deplete your energy?  Are you getting enough rest?  Be excited to find out what is going on with your body, I am!  Notice what is right with your body and celebrate that.  Honour your body, it is your home for life.

Body Changes - Live Life Inspired

I will keep you updated on my wellness journey.  Are you coming along for the ride?

Till next week.

