Are you taking massive action?
We all know about the Law of Attraction and it does work. The only thing they don’t focus on is taking action. I am sure you can all agree that things don’t just happen or fall in your lap.
Are you taking massive action?
Taking Massive Action
We all know about the Law of Attraction and it does work. The only thing they don’t focus on is taking action. I am sure you can all agree that things don’t just happen or fall in your lap. Of course there are times when you do have some unexpected wins and that has everything to do with how you are thinking. Most people seem to attract some things by default.
What I am talking about today is taking massive action. What does that look like? It means getting your mindset right, paving the path for getting you what you want, being grateful and then doing all the things you can in order to get the result you want.
There is a difference between massive action and passive action. Passive action looks like you are doing things, but it does not move you forward. It looks like reading, researching, consuming information, listening to podcasts, doing courses. I love doing this, love reading and listening to podcasts, but I am not creating results with these actions.
Of course all of this is important, but at some point you have to take action with all the info that you have gathered, you have to put all of it into practice.
You cannot just watch Youtube
You cannot read about losing weight and exercise, you actually have to eat less and to the exercise. You cannot just watch Youtube to learn how to create a Facebook ad, you have to actually do it.
Massive action means you commit to doing something. And you keep going until you get the result that you want. If you don’t have the result, you have not taken enough action. You are going to hit roadblocks or dips and this is not a reason to stop and think this was not meant to be. No, you keep going. This is part of the journey, you fall down, you fail, you get back up and carry on.
For example
Let’s say you have to pick up your child from the airport, you get in your car, but then you get a flat. You don’t just give up, you make a plan. You get your tyre fixed, you get a taxi or ask your neighbour to give you a lift. Because you need to get to the airport. There is no other way.
What we do with our goals is, when we hit that first roadblock we say this is not for me, I’m going to stop, this is too hard. Yes going after your goals is hard….and? Don’t make it mean anything. Obstacles is part of growing and learning. We all try to do things at least once, right? This is just taking action. And we expect that we will be good at it. People don’t just win the Olympics the first time they run. No, they practice and practice and fail and fail again. And they keep going till they win at the Olympics. Why is your goal any different?
Personal Transformation Coach
Do you want to live your best life?
1 on 1 Personal Coaching
Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life. A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”
You have to take massive action until you get the result you want. If you don’t get the result you have not taken massive action. You see a lot of people in the media, actors and actresses, people who are super wealthy and they make it look so easy. I am guessing if you talk to any of them, they will tell you all the ups and downs they had to go through to get to where they are.
Instead of getting hung up on all the obstacles you are facing, start focusing on the future and what you are working towards. This gives your brain something to work on. Your brain then goes OK, I came across this obstacle and that did not work, what else can I try? You keep trying from different angles until you get something to work.
You will only do this if your result is worth it, do you want it that badly. If you do, you will think of it with excitement which will fuel you to take massive action to get to your result.
You keep going and learning
The action you take may not even look like what you thought it would, and that’s OK. You keep going and learning. We don’t always know how to do something. We figure out the how by doing and failing and learning and growing. Taking action is creating, it’s trying new things. So what if you fail along the way? You get to learn what not to do and you are so much closer to realizing your dream.
OK ladies, let me know if you need some help in taking massive action in order to create your beautiful life. Contact me on
I am so excited to share with you. I have created a program to get you started on your journey to your dream life. I have used this process time and time again to create my extraordinary life. It’s called the Day One Program, it is amazing and will truly change your life.
Click HERE to learn more.
Till next week.