Are you lying to yourself?
Are you lying to yourself?
Today’s topic, much like last weeks’ topic, is worthy of some soul searching. Last week I asked you if you are keeping your promises to yourself, this week, are you lying to yourself?
Generally I don’t think people like to admit that they lie. Of course, we all do at some point in our lives, whether its intentionally or not. Perhaps you do not want to hurt people’s feelings or you don’t want to get into trouble. Again, I really want to focus more on if you are lying to yourself. A lot of us are not even aware that we are lying to ourselves. We are so caught up in what others want that often it becomes what we think we want.
What we really want!
We have not taken the time to sit down and figure out what we really want in our lives. We have a list of things we think we should want. We think we want a lot of things society tells us we want. For some women that is getting married and having children, for some it is a kick-ass career, for some it is having a heterosexual relationship or being part of a church. But what happens when you don’t want these things? Do you try and convince yourself that you do? Do you live a life that is a lie, because that is what is expected of you?
Living like this may feel like you are not in integrity with yourself, something is just not quite right. You are seemingly doing all the right things, you are following the rules, yet you have a sense of unease that you cannot quite name. Yet you carry on, because your life is not bad, not according to other people, but you are not happy or content.
One day you may even decide that this life is not for you and decide to do the complete opposite, but find yourself in territory that is still not quite you. It’s kind of having a black and white reaction. Doing everything that you didn’t do the first time round and visa versa.
Mid-life crisis
Sometimes they call it a mid-life crisis or that person has lost the plot, or become unhinged and it probably does look like that. You go from the one extreme to another. But there is a middle ground and it is not extreme. Perhaps for other people as they may not like the changes in you, but that is their work to do and has nothing to do with you.
Finding out what you want and how you want to live could take a life-time. You could try a variety of things and slowly figure out who you are and what lights your fire. Find out the truth of who you are. Stop trying to push your unique personality and qualities down. We are all so special and amazing and different from one another. Why not take the time to really get to know yourself?
Personal Transformation Coach
Do you want to live your best life?
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Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life. A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”
This does really take you making an effort, slowing down and figuring it out. It may lead to small tweaks to your life, which can easily be implemented to make your life more in alignment to who you are. Perhaps it leads to big changes and will be very uncomfortable to incorporate and be super scary, but so worth the upheaval. A warning though.
Life is 50/50 no matter which road you choose to take. So don’t think that by making huge changes to your life that you will be 100% happy all the time, life does not work that way. Your life will still be 50/50, yet you will be in alignment and in integrity with yourself. You will notice the difference.
If you would like to discuss this topic in more depth, email me on
Till next week.
Do you have a sneaky suspicion that you are not being true to yourself, yet you cannot figure out who you are meant to be and you are ready to make a change? Click here to book a free hour to chat or drop me an email on