
Are you being useful?

We are all busy, busy, busy.  How often do you say you are busy when someone asks you how you are?  I have done this many times.  Not that one has anything to do with the other. 

Antionette Porter - Life Coach & Blogger

Personal Transformation Coach

Do you want to live your best life?

1 on 1 Personal Coaching

Hi, I’m Antoinette Porter, your hostess at Live Life Inspired where we will explore what is possible in your life.  A life you can look back on and say, “Wow!! I did that!”

Certified Life Coach - Antoinette Porter

Now some of my clients say that they do have long, long lists of things to do during the day and they can’t seem to get through all of them. 

So here I give them 3 tips.

Go through your list and ask yourself if they are really necessary, if not, delete them off your list.  Your life won’t fall apart if you take something unimportant off your list, seriously!

Secondly, which tasks on your list can you delegate?  You don’t actually have to do it all yourself, ladies.  Ask for help.  Don’t feel bad to ask for help.  You may find people are only too willing to make things a bit easier for you.

Lastly, which tasks could you batch together to create more time for yourself or get them done faster.  Eg you may need to phone your IT guy to sort out your emails and also that printer that is giving you hassles.  Or getting out the electrician to fix a faulty plug, perhaps he could check the whole house to rule out any other faults.  See where I am going with this?

Are you being useful? Blog

When you work in this way, you are more organized, you probably feel more in control of your day and you have a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.  And of course, you are feeling and being useful.

Create your dreams

This is how you create your dreams, the day-to-day tasks that don’t seem so exciting or even substantial.  But when you do them every day, every month, it all adds up, before you know it you have created something you really want. 

Try this out for the next month and pay attention to how you feel when you are so organized and getting your stuff done. By actually planning your day and getting things done, you will create so much more time for yourself that you could be doing something fun or relaxing.

Till next week.




If you would like to explore how to do more, yet make your life simpler, drop me a line on hello@lliautism.net